Occupy new specialization and develop Java-based software functions and services. Work with the newest tools and frameworks which are successfully used by more than 64.000 American companies.
Java firmly maintains a leading position in the stable development of the Software development sector. In the next ten years, analytics expects 22% job growth for Java Developer SE 7 specialists. Considering that virtually all sectors are going to enlarge their digital presence, over 300,000 new job positions will be opened. Growing demand for Java Developers SE 7 will drive up their wages.
Duties of Java Developers SE 7:
This course lays down the foundation for designing object-oriented applications using the latest Java Development Kit (JDK) 7.
Together with developing object-oriented thinking skills, the course participant discovers how to build applications using the core Application Programming Interfaces (API). This course, designed for beginners, will enhance your skills in Java database connectivity (JDBC) to create database programs.
This course best fits programmers who are interested in adding Java to their skills. More particularly, developers, Java developers, Java EE developers, J2EE developers are the target participants of this course.
It is assumed that course participants have solid understanding familiarity with object-oriented principles, as well as object-oriented programming and database concepts and Structured Query Language (SQL) syntax. Participants with experience in developing code in any of the programming languages will give them the advantage in understanding and practicing the course contents easily.
By the end of the course, participants are expected to demonstrate the following skills and knowledge:
Part 1: Objects, Classes, and Constructors – the first chapter introduces learners to the Java programming language and how to develop Java applications using Eclipse. Learners will master the syntax of the Java programming language, object-oriented programming using Java, classes, constructors, class methods, and control structures.
Part 2: Inheritance, Interfaces, and Collections –this chapter focuses on handling, generics, collections, and file input/output (I/O) with a focus on many of the common programming Java commands like Arrays, and Inheritance. The course will also discuss Exceptions, Polymorphism, Collections, Generics, and other useful Java classes.
Part 3: JDBC, Reflections, and Threading – this chapter of the course goes beyond the introduction to the advanced Java programming language and how to develop Java applications using Eclipse. Participants will be taught to use JavaBeans, JDBC, Internationalization, Reflection, Threads, and Networking.
Part 4: XML, Security, and JUnit –the last installment explores Java SE topics that provide the finishing touches when building professional Java applications using Eclipse. Participants will learn about parsing XML documents using both SAX and DOM methodologies. They will also be made to understand how to take advantage of distributed objects, add security, use the Java Native Interface (JNI) and utilize Test-Driven Design through JUnit. This course also provides a detailed look at Java features introduced with recent versions of Java.
Occupy new specialization and develop Java-based software functions and services. Work with the newest tools and frameworks which are successfully used by more than 64.000 American companies.
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