Start the next generation using WebForms with Microsoft’s .Net Razor engine. World-known companies like Stack Overflow, Microsoft, Accenture or Double Slash explore .Net Razor technology.
During the past two decades, ASP.Net from Microsoft’s workhorse technology has been retaining the leadership in web application development. According to the forecast, it will hold a substantial share of the software development market in the future. Over 12,000 companies utilize ASP.Net technologies. The adoption of the Razor platform has enlarged since its introduction. Today competencies of .NET and SQL Server developers are listed in the top-10 required skills for IT specialists in 2021. Analytics expect job growth for .Net Razor Developer of 22% during the next ten years.
Utilizing .Net Razor you will be at the top of Microsoft’s forefront web development platform.
As multimedia came to the fore on websites, it was apparent that the HTML4 standard no longer sufficed to build web pages. Add HTML5 and CSS3 to the mix, along with JavaScript.
This lesson spans the improvements to HTML that enable audio and video to be embedded without the use of a plug-in. Many new functions, such as structural tags, input field types, and canvas elements, will be covered in this lesson.
The latest CSS3 Transitions, local storing of user interests, history management, and drawing and animating graphics using WebGL are also tapped in this lesson.
Prior to plunging into this lesson, this material fits learners who were already introduced to HTML4, CSS, and JavaScript.
The course starts with the introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 being the two standards proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and its working groups. Learners will be made to understand the value of HTML5 being feature-filled that purposely creates a better platform for web-based applications. Moreover, learners will be guided to the understanding that the use of HTML5 among future developers like them will provide them with more tools to create better user experiences.
Furthermore, the discussion will revolve around the following subtopics or features of HTML5:
Learning by doing, learners will also gain practical knowledge in navigating HTML5 as this course will also include demonstration instruction.
After a lengthy introduction to HTML5, other aspects of the program will be covered including structural tags and attributes, custom data attributes, and HTML5 form input types.
Other elements such as forms, audio, video, and pseudo classes are also taken up in this course.
CSS3 designing is the other side of this course’s spectrum. Several facets of the program will be introduced to the learners. These facets include:
Additionally, the program is also inclined to brief learners on other enriching topics such as drawing, saving preferences and storage, Web SQL storage, History, Geo Location, WebGL, and graphics with WebGL.
These comprise the entire course for HTML5 and CSS3. This comprehensive course is directed at providing learners with the opportunity to generate insightful and practical know-how of the featured programs.
Start the next generation using WebForms with Microsoft’s .Net Razor engine. World-known companies like Stack Overflow, Microsoft, Accenture or Double Slash work with .Net Razor technology.
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