Start the next generation using WebForms with Microsoft’s .Net Razor engine. World-known companies like Stack Overflow, Microsoft, Accenture or Double Slash explore .Net Razor technology.
During the past two decades, ASP.Net from Microsoft’s workhorse technology has been retaining the leadership in web application development. According to the forecast, it will hold a substantial share of the software development market in the future. Over 12,000 companies utilize ASP.Net technologies. The adoption of the Razor platform has enlarged since its introduction. Today competencies of .NET and SQL Server developers are listed in the top-10 required skills for IT specialists in 2021. Analytics expect job growth for .Net Razor Developer of 22% during the next ten years.
Utilizing .Net Razor you will be at the top of Microsoft’s forefront web development platform.
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving software security. Developed into a complete set of courses, OWASP-based principles will be the primary content of this entire module. This course is parsed into four segments – all providing the up-to-date information and technical know-how to upgrade our website security and browsing activity. Develop your security-building skills and outsmart hackers by learning from this course.
In this day and age, writing safe apps necessitates taking our coding talents and approach to a notch higher. Hackers are coming up with new methods to take advantage of us in ways that we previously thought were secure.
Building safe apps and software will always lead us to considering taking the lens of a hacker, learning from previous failures, and paying close attention to how security is built into the product from the outset.
In this course, we'll look at the attitude necessary to design safe software, including hacker mentality, defense in depth, secure coding approaches, and threat modeling. This course will also guide learners on how to construct safe apps by taking a look at the perspective of a hacker, as well as what a developer can do to stay off the front pages of the current attack. This lesson will also cover safe coding concepts and tools for detecting attack vectors, look at patterns for lowering our risk and look at some of the most common vulnerabilities used by hackers to steal our data.
This segment will tour course takers to the world of building secure applications, with consideration of the hacker’s perspective. It will also guide learners in understanding what a developer can do to avoid the front pages of the latest exploit. Cross-Site Forgery examples are provided in this portion, including taking a closer look at how a phishing email works, the vulnerabilities of open source components, and also redirects from unverified links.
This segment features some of the OWASP Top Ten threats coupled with practical insights on dealing with them.
Moreover, this portion will also provide learners the idea of developing safe apps from the perspective of a hacker, as well as what a developer can do to prevent being the newest security breach in the news. Lastly, learners will also learn how Authentication and Session Management may be abused, as well as how to protect users from these hazards.
This last segment of the course drives learners further into the OWASP Threat List. Delving deeper, the material will help learners arrive at an understanding of how susceptible users can be if their frameworks, servers, and apps aren't set appropriately, aren't maintained up to date, or aren't left in out-of-the-box configurations.
Finally, the course will also tap a briefer on Sensitive Data Exposure and data storage strategies. It will also tackle the differences between unsecured and safe cryptography, as well as what data has to be safeguarded and why it should be safeguarded.
Start the next generation using WebForms with Microsoft’s .Net Razor engine. World-known companies like Stack Overflow, Microsoft, Accenture or Double Slash work with .Net Razor technology.
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