Start the next generation using WebForms with Microsoft’s .Net Razor engine. World-known companies like Stack Overflow, Microsoft, Accenture or Double Slash explore .Net Razor technology.
During the past two decades, ASP.Net from Microsoft’s workhorse technology has been retaining the leadership in web application development. According to the forecast, it will hold a substantial share of the software development market in the future. Over 12,000 companies utilize ASP.Net technologies. The adoption of the Razor platform has enlarged since its introduction. Today competencies of .NET and SQL Server developers are listed in the top-10 required skills for IT specialists in 2021. Analytics expect job growth for .Net Razor Developer of 22% during the next ten years.
Utilizing .Net Razor you will be at the top of Microsoft’s forefront web development platform.
Applications are built on the back of software developers, with user interface, business logic, controllers, and other components engineered carefully. To create secure software, developers must be encouraged and assisted by the organization they write code for. The development process must also be carried with security in mind, which is only attainable if organizations and developers work on a continuum.
This may be challenging, and developers often fail due to inadequate knowledge about encryption and security. Add to that is the organizational barrier that restricts developers from getting the necessary resources and guidance. And even with sufficient guidance and provision of institutions, there are persisting security vulnerabilities in design and coding that cap developers from rendering seamless applications. Putting this in mind, a standardized coding guide comes all the more necessary. One that bears lasting significance in the pursuit of application programming is the Open Web Application Security Project Top 10 Proactive Control 2018.
This two-part lecture serves as a resolution for the coding challenges that both developers and organizations face. The OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls 2018 compiles multiple security techniques that every software development project must implement. More so, this tutorial puts emphasis on different best practices, which bear relevance towards the realization of highly secure and encrypted web, desktop, and mobile applications.
As mentioned above, this tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive discussion of coding techniques and security best practices for software development projects. Those institutions and/ or developers currently undertaking related ventures may sign up for this course.
This tutorial does not require much, only that it asks course takers to have novice to intermediate web development skills. It would also be advantageous to have knowledge about the fundamentals of application security. Throughout the course, course takers are also expected to acquire additional skills including security verification, proper SQL injection, and formulation of passwords.
This lesson covers security controls such as checking for security early and frequently, learning about parameterizing SQL queries, encoding data input that may be interpreted as executable code, verifying data input, and ultimately learning about identification and authentication approaches.
The subsequent part of the lecture presents the remaining five controls. This tutorial seeks to see course takers through a series of discussions including access control implementation, verification, data protection, intrusion detection, and other best practices for exception handling.
Start the next generation using WebForms with Microsoft’s .Net Razor engine. World-known companies like Stack Overflow, Microsoft, Accenture or Double Slash work with .Net Razor technology.
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