Start the next generation using WebForms with Microsoft’s .Net Razor engine. World-known companies like Stack Overflow, Microsoft, Accenture or Double Slash explore .Net Razor technology.
During the past two decades, ASP.Net from Microsoft’s workhorse technology has been retaining the leadership in web application development. According to the forecast, it will hold a substantial share of the software development market in the future. Over 12,000 companies utilize ASP.Net technologies. The adoption of the Razor platform has enlarged since its introduction. Today competencies of .NET and SQL Server developers are listed in the top-10 required skills for IT specialists in 2021. Analytics expect job growth for .Net Razor Developer of 22% during the next ten years.
Utilizing .Net Razor you will be at the top of Microsoft’s forefront web development platform.
Microsoft introduced its programming language C# in 2000, a breakthrough that greatly expanded the software company’s .NET initiative. Not only did it boost the company’s profile, it also brought in multiple opportunities for developers as it is equipped with four core functions: object orientation, type safety, memory management, and platform support.
With these in mind, it is of great advantage to learn C# and .NET. This 12-part tutorial introduces the fundamentals of C#, putting heavy emphasis on the technicalities of the language and its implementation. This will then trace the history of the .NET framework so as to understand its relevance with Visual Studio. Lastly, this lecture aims to discuss the step-by-step process of creating a simple .NET application, while highlighting the reasons why C# and .NET are revolutionary instruments for application development.
As an object-oriented programming language, C# does not require any level of mastery in programming. Its type-face trait also remains comprehensive for entry-level programmers. With this, novice programmers in need of additional coding know-hows may enroll in this course. Those who wish to pursue programming as a career may also sign up, together with those who will undergo related licensure examinations in search of refreshers.
Presented below are the necessary requirements for this C# tutorial.
This output-heavy tutorial aims to integrate useful skills to course takers including:
Presented below is the segment-per-segment flow of tutorial, which was divided into 12 parts to carry a comprehensive discussion about related C# topics.
Part 1: Getting Started
This section houses overarching discussions about the fundamentals of C#. It focuses on the .NET’s history while providing reasons that support the framework’s lasting significance in programming. Other discussions presented are about Visual Studio and Microsoft intermediate language.
Part 2: Your First Application
This section contextualizes programming using Visual Studio. It will see course takers through a series of tutorials such as using different features that the platform offers.
Part 3: Projects and Syntax
Discussed in this segment is the syntactical importance of C#, which comes necessary for data manipulation and other personalization-driven coding.
Part 4: Variables and Data Types
Presented here are some methods that may be used to name, declare, and initialize variables. It then delves into a more thorough discussion about proper transfer of variables to compilers.
Part 5: Advanced Data Types and Operators
This segment puts the previous lecture under closer observation, discussing thoroughly different data types and how to convert them. Null values are also put under study and some best practices that may be used to deal with them.
Part 6: Strings, File I/O, and Data Types-
This lesson introduces course takers to different classes that may be utilized for programming.
Part 7: Conditions and Looping
Programming conditions are thoroughly discussed in this segment, some of the coding variables that bear importance on code execution and value assessment.
Part 8: Objects and Classes
Objects and classes are more complex than other variables, and this segment provides a comprehensive lecture about their functions as blueprints. Included in here are tutorials on how to declare and define them, with additional insights about putting behavioral functions.
Part 9: Objects and Types
This section acts as a subsequent discussion about objects and classes, only that it introduces type as another variable. Here, course takers will be able to understand their uses, technicalities, and relevant concepts, both in theoretical and operational approaches.
Part 10: Classes and Methods
This course shows ways on how to create advanced classes in codes. Also presented are methods on how to validate property values such as automated properties using a sample customer class.
Part 11: Advanced Class Features
This section goes deeply into the powerful features integrated within C#. This will go over the programming tools required to write enterprise-class code and will put emphasis on inheritance, one of the main characteristics of object-oriented programming.
Part 12: Arrays and Sorting
This lesson investigates the nature of arrays, much, how to construct and populate them with data. This also looks at the array support provided by the.NET framework, as well as how to employ sophisticated sorting algorithms.
Start the next generation using WebForms with Microsoft’s .Net Razor engine. World-known companies like Stack Overflow, Microsoft, Accenture or Double Slash work with .Net Razor technology.
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