How to Describe Remote Work Experience

Straight faces, busy hands, and a stern atmosphere; nothing beats an interview setting when it comes to sending chills down your spine. The interviewer doesn’t seem friendly (not in every case, though). And even if you’ve mastered the art, there are certain questions you definitely cannot miss.
If you’re taking the plunge, then you may expect your interviewer to ask about your work experience. Whether or not you’ve had a good time working remotely is a subject of concern to your employers. So what do you do?
Simple! You hop on the bandwagon and get yourself a helpful guide like ours.
Questions like this feature mostly when you’re seeking remote (or semi-distant) jobs. You may also find them if your employer seems quite interested in your flexibility.
But not to worry!
We’ve compiled tips that come in handy for remote works. So even if you’ve never had a clue, you are covered.
Working from Home?
The work-from-home arrangement simply helps you work right from the comfort of your home — low stress, low cost; you work outside of the regular office setting without incurring costs.
Many call it “working remotely” or “remote work” because you necessarily do not need the office.
And no, working from home doesn’t restrict productivity. It sometimes boosts it — and helps you work a zillion times better. Once you’re out of the typical work environment and there’s no manager to mount the regular ‘unnecessary’ pressure, you may be geared up to go through the roof and work as you’ve never done — (definitely not a rule of thumb).
Working from home provokes creativity. Since workers can work primarily on their terms, there are chances they’d enjoy a wider range of flexibility and thrive on an upward swing.
If you’re seeking employment, you may want to enjoy the work-life balance that comes with remote working and work seamlessly. But then there’s a catch — you need to be interviewed.
Applying for a remote job somewhere and wondering what the process feels like? Relax. It’s all a walk in the park if you answer correctly.
How to Describe Your Experience Working Remotely
Look no further for tips to help you describe your experience working remotely; we’ve got them.
While preparing for an interview, consider the necessary details you’d love to highlight to your employer and write away. Details must include all that relate to your capacity when it comes to working from home, your interest in the job and all that’d catch the interviewers’ fancy.
You may want to scribble down some points before time and get your answer well-outlined. Move to practice and rehearse like a school kid would for a doctors-are-better-than-teachers’ debate.
While at it, tick off the following boxes for what to do to provide a killer interview answer:
- Speak enthusiastically. Enthusiasm breaks the yoke, literally. Whether or not you’re a pro, speaking enthusiastically helps you convince your employer you’re excited about the remote work opportunity. If you’ve got the experience, ensure to emphasize what exactly it feels like. Highlight the benefits and independence you’ve enjoyed from working remotely. And if this is your first time, talk about why you seem so interested in working from home.
- Use examples. Examples work like magic. Ensure to chip in instances that’d blow up your employer’s mind from time to time. List tasks and assignments you’ve taken on and show how you were able to pull through. Emphasize your grit, passion, and ability to remain self-motivated. Also, state your remote communication skills and how you could to crunch deadlines. This way, you can win your interviewer over and create a convincing link between your CV and your capacity to work remotely.
- Share strategies you use working remotely. State the various strategies you employ while working at home in the past (the ones that work, obviously) — whether you set up a workspace, or you share space with other remote workers in your company, or you even use planners to track tasks and deadlines.
- Identify challenges and come up with solutions. Face it, remote working is not all rosy — you’ll definitely face challenges and hard times. So while answering, ensure to recognize your weak point and how you’d manage to fix them.
- Emphasize your relevant skills. Your relevant skills will stand you out anytime, any day. So do not let them slip.
At intervals, ensure to emphasize your remote working skills as an employee and make your employer trust you. Showcase your skills but make sure they relate to the job.
Pro Tips on How to Acing the Interview Questions
You’ve probably gotten the hang of what it means to work remotely and how to do your job much better, but that’s not all. The following tips will help you answer the work-from-home interview question accurately and describe your experience working remotely. Fire away!
Think about Your Performance and the Benefit that Lies Ahead
First things first, consider performance. Your performance at the interview will determine your chances. So answer correctly. While you may want to speak enthusiastically, you should also make sure to make your productivity glaring. Speak in such a way that paints the benefits of remote working better. Why do you prefer to work from home, and how does remote work boost your productivity?
As an instance, remote work comes with fewer distractions. So you can get much done in just a short time. Also, you get a better work balance working from home. Plus, there’s more time to take on a lot of tasks.
Provide Honest Answers
Remain positive but don’t lie. Being honest with your answers will help you remain credible — you don’t need to lie. Your employer needs honest workers, so he won’t hesitate to discredit the crafty.
Pay Attention to Other Areas of the Job
No, remoteness shouldn’t be the only reason you’re interested in the job. During the interview, ensure to focus on other areas and make your employer believe you’re keen. You may express enthusiasm about the company, position, and all that pertains to the job. You may also research to know more about the role.
Practice before Time
You can never overestimate the power of constant practice. To get the best results, rehearse before the day of the interview or get your family to help out.
Allow friends to ask you the same question and then provide an answer. Even if it doesn’t sound right, you have enough time to cross all t’s and dot your I’s.
Example Answers
Just so you have a better grasp of how to describe your experience working remotely, check the following samples. We’ve come up with example answers you may need to get started, but remember — they are just examples (your experience and honesty matter more). Drink up!
- I’m quite interested in remote working because of its flexibility. When I can work on my own terms, it helps me get my tasks done within a particular given period. It means better work quality and excellent job performance in general.
- Remote work allows a distraction-free environment that catches my fancy. Once I’m out of the regular office space interruptions, I find it easy to stay focused and complete all of my tasks. I also have a better chance to achieve greater balance at work”.
- With remote working, I have no difficulty maintaining a stellar work-life balance. Once I’m able to work within my hours, I have ample time to finish my tasks and do them diligently. I’m also enabled to spend quality time with friends and every member of my family. If I begin work at noon, I can spend the early hours of the day preparing breakfast and getting the kids set to school. This way, remote work offers an opportunity I may never get working in an office.
- Working from home helps me achieve more in a short time since I can avoid possible distractions. Rather than hitting the streets and spending hours trying to board a bus, I could sit in my corner and knock myself out on productivity.
- By working remotely, I can foster the accomplishment of the company’s environment-friendly goals and reduce waste. Energy use affects the environment, and so working from home will go a long way in mitigating negative effects.
- Working from home gives me the flexibility of resuming work earlier. I can bypass traffic and other unnecessary delays and get right to business. If I had five hours to work effectively in an office, I can increase it by more than a few hours working remotely.
- Only remote work allows me to work at my convenience. If I seem more productive in the morning, I can set my hours and work just within that time. The result is more productivity and better results for my company.
- I am aware your company places a premium on effectiveness and work-life balance, and those are exactly my values. I do so well working from home and my productivity goes way through the roof.
- Environment matters when it comes to living healthy and staying out of harm’s way. And by working remotely, I can help my environment become better. First, bypassing the commute significantly reduces fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emission. And I have more time to invest in completing my tasks.
Take the first step to your new remote career!