
Everything You Need to Know About Website Testing: Methods, Stages, and Benefits

May 31, 2024 Amy Williams
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Imagine your company relies on an unreliable car for transportation that constantly breaks down. Repair costs keep rising, but the car can still fail at any moment. This would undoubtedly harm your business. Now, compare the car to a website – it’s an equally important tool that helps attract an audience, sell products and services, provide service, build a reputation, and strengthen the brand.

A website is just like a car. It needs to work perfectly to benefit visitors, clients, and owners. It’s not only about competent development and quality technologies. Key performance indicators of the resource need constant monitoring.

Even “mature” websites sometimes face issues with customer and product turnover. A common situation is a site achieving top positions in search results (TOP-10), but conversions not increasing. Sales remain stagnant or even decline. Management might think it’s a failure of SEO, but the real problem lies elsewhere: site speed, UX quality, service functionality, etc.

This brings us to the issue of website testing. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the main types and methods of website testing and discuss the importance and necessity of QA in any project.

What is Website Testing?

Let’s start with definitions. Website testing is the process of checking its functionality, performance, usability, and security. The goal of testing is to ensure the product meets project requirements and all technical standards. That’s why testers are called QA engineers (“quality assurance engineers”) – they must guarantee the quality of the product.

How is testing done? QA specialists create artificial situations that simulate various scenarios of resource usage. They analyze the product’s performance under proposed conditions and identify any possible issues: bugs, conflicts, vulnerabilities, functionality, and UX deficiencies. All problems are documented for further resolution. The testing cycle can be repeated over and over until the site is free of all errors. However, in practice, even a well-tested site can have some issues for improvement. When testing a new product, specialists start by fixing critical errors and then move on to “polishing” it.

The Importance and Necessity of Website Testing

As mentioned earlier, website testing is essential to ensure high quality. But what does that entail? To delve into the topic, let’s outline several tasks that the QA process solves during development.

Ensuring Functionality

Obviously, any website is created for a specific purpose, meaning it should offer certain functionality. The testing process confirms that all functional elements work correctly: every link, every feedback form, every integration, every interactive element must work properly. Without this, the site cannot fulfill its purpose, provide valuable features and experiences to users, or benefit the business.

Identifying Errors and Defects

Website testing helps identify bugs, conflicts, and defects before launch. This means addressing issues before they spoil the user experience. Quality control of the site includes checking its compatibility with various operating systems, browsers, and devices. It also ensures the design adapts well to different screen sizes. Testing involves checking texts, images, videos, and other elements on the pages. Content should look proper and be easy to perceive.

Improving Performance

Research shows that if a user cannot access page content within two to three seconds, they will seek information, products, or services elsewhere. This means that a business website cannot be slow. Website testing includes methods for assessing performance and page load speed. Specialists check load speed, user action response time, cache usage, resources (images, styles, scripts), etc.

Ensuring Security

Information and personal data protection is of great importance for any business, especially given the recent surge in cybercrime. Website quality control also covers vulnerability checks and protection against malicious attacks (scripting, SQL injections, etc.). Ensuring website security is critical, especially in areas like eCommerce, finance, medicine, etc. For example, eCommerce website testing today requires checking for cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities and data interception techniques.

Improving User Experience

Your site can be very fast and incredibly reliable. But it will never succeed if it is inconvenient, unpleasant, and uninteresting to use. Therefore, comprehensive testing targets not only technical aspects but also UX. Quality control involves finding usability flaws. Specifically:

  • Opaque and confusing navigation;
  • Overloaded interface;
  • Inconsistent visual style;
  • Poor use of fonts and animations;
  • Neglect of trends and modern ui/ux engineer achievements.

Usability testing can involve not only QA specialists but also a limited user sample in a beta test format.

In summary, testing is not just an inspection. It should be considered an integral part of the development process, directly impacting the product’s quality and the project’s overall success. Quality control plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality, reliability, efficiency, and security of a website.

The Most Common Website Testing Methods

Quality control cannot be conducted blindly. Every tester always has a strategy for checking the site’s “whims.” This strategy must be logical and consistent. Otherwise, nothing will work, even with significant resources invested in testing. What methods does a website testing strategy require today? Let’s review them:

Unit Testing

Unit testing is the method of isolating and testing individual units of code to determine the efficiency of each component. In other words, testers check modules and components of the site separately from other components. This testing helps prevent errors at early development stages. And when using Test-driven development (TDD), unit tests become part of the development process, defining the expected behavior of the code.

Integration Testing

After checking individual product modules, the integration testing phase begins. That is, separate site components are combined and tested together, in interaction. Integration testing focuses primarily on communication and data exchange checks. Specialists check whether all components interact correctly, such as through procedure calls or process activation.

System Testing

The next level of quality control is a comprehensive check of the entire system’s performance according to the project’s functional and non-functional requirements. QA specialists use the black-box method, evaluating the system’s behavior from a regular user’s perspective. System testing is done after integration tests and precedes acceptance testing.

Acceptance Testing

This is the test of the developed product for compliance with customer requirements and end-user needs. It involves not only QA specialists from the developer’s team but also representatives of the customer. Acceptance testing programs may include user acceptance testing (UAT), operational acceptance testing, alpha and beta testing, etc.

Regression Testing

At various testing stages, many bugs, defects, and vulnerabilities can be found and fixed. The task of regression testing is to ensure that changes made to the product do not cause new problems or affect existing functionality. This testing includes verification tests, software version verification testing, re-testing previously fixed bugs in old builds, etc.

Load Testing

This is a test of a site or software for functionality and stability under load: both normal and peak. This testing can be done manually or with automated tools. Tests help determine performance, user action response time, resource requirements, and the “stamina” of the system under various loads.

Functional Testing

This testing is aimed at ensuring that the actual characteristics of the site match the specified functional requirements. Such verification can be carried out based on requirement specifications through specially written test cases. It can also be based on business processes that the application must support. Functional tests should confirm that the product can provide all the necessary capabilities to the customer.

Non-functional Testing

Non-functional testing includes all types of checks that affect the product’s non-functional aspects: site performance, security, compatibility, stability, etc. There are non-functional checks such as installation testing, usability testing, configuration testing, failure and recovery testing. Unlike functional tests, here specialists evaluate how the system works, not what it does.

Automated Testing

Many key checks during site development are done manually, but it’s impossible to conduct all necessary tests this way. For comprehensive quality control, specialists use special automated testing tools that help create, run, and analyze test scenarios. Automated tests help speed up testing, reduce QA costs, and identify many errors that would remain unnoticed during manual testing.

7 Stages of Website Testing

It’s easy to see that website quality control covers many types and methods of testing. It is a multi-stage and complex process in which non-technical specialists can easily get lost. Therefore, it is useful to outline the main stages of website testing.

1. Working with Requirements

At the start, the QA team gets acquainted with the customer’s product requirements, studying the vision of the final development result. At this stage, technical specialists identify requirement contradictions, potential functional defects, etc.

Mandatory prerequisites for testing include:

  • providing specialists with all necessary access rights;
  • receiving information about the technology stack, design layouts, high-level project documentation;
  • studying key user flows (visualizing the user’s path to the target action on the site);
  • having a document with an endpoint or Postman collections from the backend developer, etc.

2. Developing a Testing Strategy

After analyzing all requirements and prerequisites, specialists can move on to developing a strategy. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the testing environment and consolidate all previously obtained information. Testers must clearly understand what exactly will be tested, when the QA process starts, and ends.

Moreover, at this period, it is important to determine the exact stage when the product performance testing will begin.

3. Creating Test Documentation

A detailed acquaintance with the product and requirements allows the QA team to create the first checklists for both backend and frontend. This stage includes writing test scenarios that will allow verifying the product’s functionality. Test documentation may include several documents, such as checklists, test cases, bug reports, requirement coverage matrices, etc.

4. Prototype Testing

Prototype testing allows verifying hypotheses, ideas, and product concepts at early development stages. This stage involves testing the product’s main functionality, adjusting goals, adding features according to documentation and user stories. Specialists create and configure the test environment, deploy the infrastructure for automated testing if provided by the strategy.

5. Main Testing

The next step is the overall product check. The main testing stage may include ongoing testing – a continuous process of product quality verification throughout the development cycle. Another component is release testing, i.e., checking the platform before deployment or market release. For main testing, specialists choose the optimal set of tests for release verification and evaluate the test coverage of the laid requirements.

6. Stabilization

At this stage, developers fix bugs, defects, and vulnerabilities identified during testing (if any). Testers perform selective regression on bugs and changes made to the product, conduct additional verification, load tests, and security tests if necessary. The goal of the stabilization phase is to ensure product reliability at release. Test reports are generated based on the stabilization results.

7. Operation

During product operation, errors identified by end-users of the site are corrected if necessary, and additional regression testing is conducted. At the same time, UX reviews are performed, and a report with ideas for improving the product’s usability is formed. Specialists continue to monitor site quality, analyze and reproduce incidents in production, and work on further improving testing efficiency.

Business Benefits of Website Testing

Quality control ensures that the website will operate stably, productively, and securely, providing the owner and users with all the necessary functionality. Therefore, website testing directly impacts business performance and results.

Improving Product Quality

Testing helps identify and fix errors that may negatively influence the site’s operation, performance, security, usability, and user satisfaction. Without comprehensive quality control, a business cannot achieve a product that fully meets its needs and objectives, nor can it maximize the benefits of its digital investments.

Enhancing Reliability

Testing increases the site’s reliability by identifying and addressing issues that could lead to failures, data loss, unauthorized access, or attacks. For example, penetration testing can eliminate most cybersecurity vulnerabilities, while load testing ensures the site can handle high traffic and DDoS attacks.

Reducing Risks

With the deepening of digitalization processes, data security and online transactions become crucial for any business. Proper website quality control minimizes risks of data loss or compromise, protects transactions, and reduces the likelihood of losing profits and customers due to functionality issues, performance problems, or poor usability.

Saving Resources

Quality testing helps directly save resources in website development and maintenance. Fixing errors is much easier before release when they have not yet manifested themselves. Moreover, quality control helps avoid financial and reputational losses that a business might incur from an unstable, unreliable, non-functional, or inconvenient product.

Increasing Customer Satisfaction

Finally, testing ensures that the site offers truly useful functionality, works quickly and reliably, has a user-friendly interface, and is convenient for all users. Without a well-tested site, it is impossible to provide users and customers with high-quality service today. At the same time, a quality site always contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby enhancing business performance.

Quality Control and Assurance of Websites

For over 24 years, our team has been developing IT products and corporate software for clients in eCommerce, manufacturing, logistics, and more. We started as a small web studio, but today the team includes over 280 certified full-time specialists ready to develop a product of any complexity from scratch.

One of our biggest advantages in the IT market is our focus on quality control and the security of the products we create. Specialists understand all the details of website testing, conduct a full QA cycle before release, and are ready to quickly resolve any technical issues during the warranty period. We can also perform penetration testing to identify and eliminate cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

If you are looking for safe and reliable solutions for your business, you are on the right page. Contact our managers for a consultation right now.


Website testing should not be seen as an additional or secondary option. It is a full-fledged stage of development, ensuring the proper level of technical implementation and full compliance of its functions with business needs. Neglecting website quality control can create many problems for any company: user churn, reputation damage, data breaches, operational disruptions, and more. All these scenarios lead to revenue loss and direct financial damage.

How to ensure the proper quality of the product? How to test the site correctly? The best solution for a business in this case might be to involve an expert IT team ready to test any resource or even develop it from scratch.


What are the stages of eCommerce website testing?

The stages of testing any website can include working with requirements, developing a QA strategy, creating documentation, prototype testing, main testing, product stabilization, and subsequent operation.

What are the benefits of website testing?

Proper testing allows businesses to improve the quality of their product, increase its reliability, minimize stability and security risks, save resources on site maintenance, and enhance user satisfaction.

What are the consequences of inadequate website testing?

Businesses that do not pay enough attention to the quality control of their products risk facing numerous issues: losing users due to poor UX design, compromising confidential data, leading to huge financial and reputational losses.

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