Use state-of-the-art programming languages to develop tools that users interact with to navigate applications, web pages, and more. Get quality training that will bring you up to speed with this ever-growing, fast-changing industry.
Front End Developers are critical coders that not only make applications useable but are responsible for creating interfaces that users can easily and effectively navigate. Front End Developers are well versed in not only the ability to make such pages but have a keen eye for design and useability. Front End Developers are expected to see a 13% increase in jobs in the next 10 years.
When learning front-end development, you’ll learn specific languages and industry-standard tools such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You’ll learn how to create a functional and engaging interface, code different functions for web pages, and use cutting-edge tools such as JQuery, Angular, and React.
With the rise of multimedia usage on websites, it became clear that the HTML4 standard was no longer enough for building web pages. This led to the need for newer programming technologies such as JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5.
In this lesson, learners will discover the upgrades to HTML, which permits video and audio to be embedded without using a plug-in. In addition, this lesson will consider several new functions such as input field types, structural tags, and canvas elements.
Some areas also covered in this lesson include animating and drawing graphics with the use of WebGl, storing user interests in local storage, history management, and the most recent CSS3 transitions.
This material is intended for learners already conversant with CSS, HTML, as well as JavaScript.
The study begins with an insight into CSS3, HTML5, and CSS3, which are the proposed standards by the W3C- the World Wide Web Consortium and all associated groups. Course learners will also be enlightened on the importance of HTML5 having several features and how it can help create a nicer platform for web-based applications.
Also, learners will study the relevance of using HTML5 among future developers and how it can help provide them with the necessary tools to create an improved user experience.
Also, the discussion will extend to the following features or subtopics of HTML5:
Learners will develop applicable knowledge in handling HTML5 as this study includes clear demonstration instruction.
After the introduction to HTML5, other aspects will be covered, such as data attributes that are custom, structural attributes and tags, as well as the form input types for HTML5.
Learners will also consider different elements like audio, forms, video, and pseudo-classes.
Design in CSS3 is another section covered in this comprehensive course. Different areas of the course will be introduced to the course participants, and these aspects include:
In addition, the program is designed to educate learners on other relevant topics such as Web SQL storage, drawing, history, WebGL, graphics with WebGL, drawing, storage and safekeeping preferences.
These make up the entire course outline for CSS3 and HTML5. With this comprehensive course, learners can generate practical, and insightful know-how of the programs featured.
Once you’re certified, jump into the industry and push it to new levels. Learn how to properly create usable interfaces, work with backend teams, and use your creativity to make something worth sharing.
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