Use state-of-the-art programming languages to develop tools that users interact with to navigate applications, web pages, and more. Get quality training that will bring you up to speed with this ever-growing, fast-changing industry.
Front End Developers are critical coders that not only make applications useable but are responsible for creating interfaces that users can easily and effectively navigate. Front End Developers are well versed in not only the ability to make such pages but have a keen eye for design and useability. Front End Developers are expected to see a 13% increase in jobs in the next 10 years.
When learning front-end development, you’ll learn specific languages and industry-standard tools such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You’ll learn how to create a functional and engaging interface, code different functions for web pages, and use cutting-edge tools such as JQuery, Angular, and React.
These lessons give an informal introduction to React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Before taking up this module, the developer must have taken up necessary prerequisites. Familiarity with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and programming in general is a must before proceeding.
React is an open-source project that allows developers to create user interfaces on the front end. This well-known Javascript library streamlines data storage and management with its basic concepts.
Through taking up this course, the developer shall learn the basic concepts and features of React, as well as the necessary steps to build a basic app using React and its concepts, some of which are:
This chapter introduces the developer to Intermediate React and its more complex concepts and features. Intermediate React is a necessary skill a developer must learn to develop large-scale React applications.
The developer shall learn several tools and concepts by the end of this chapter, some of which are:
Through this lesson, the developer shall learn building scalable React applications with the concepts and tools provided in the React ecosystem.
Some of the additional processes that the developer shall learn through this lesson are:
This chapter offers an extensive discussion of the React City Tours Project, a React application created for a website that offers travel tours in various cities across the globe.
For this project, the developer shall understand and learn a few React concepts and tools along the way. The topics to be covered in this chapter include:
Becoming an Advanced React Developer takes higher skills to execute, which is the goal of this chapter. In this lesson, the developer shall learn advanced and even more complex concepts in React that are useful in building different applications.
This chapter discusses several concepts such as:
In this chapter, the developer shall learn about setting up a basic app component structure and design.
The React TODO project is an application that allows developers to create a to-do list. It introduces different concepts such as CRUD and involves the use of Redux for more complex apps.
This lesson discusses the following:
The Food2Fork project is a single page application that shows food recipes. In this chapter, the developer shall learn and use React lifecycle method, as well as understand user experience in React router.
This lesson covers the following subtopics:
In this chapter, the e-commerce React application project Tech Store is discussed. It discusses both basic and intermediate React tools and concepts necessary in building this application.
The lesson on this project offers a discussion on the following topics:
Once you’re certified, jump into the industry and push it to new levels. Learn how to properly create usable interfaces, work with backend teams, and use your creativity to make something worth sharing.
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