Work with and learn one of the most powerful programming languages created. Write and code applications, or analyze and visualize data.
Python has been around since nearly the conception of programming. It has an expansive userbase and is being currently used for sections of AI and machine learning. Python is also often used to organize, analyze and visualize data. Python is one of the core languages that is learned and nearly every major tech business uses Python to some degree. Developer jobs will see one of the largest increases and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is expecting a +22% growth by 2030.
Python is commonly used to build web apps, analyze data, create AI and machine learning programs, automation applications, and scalable enterprise applications.
This lesson discusses what Django is, specifically what it is exactly in relation to Python Development.
Through the discussion, learners would be made to understand that Django is a framework for the web (on the server-side) that is produced in Python.
This lesson goes into the details of how one can set up a development environment for Django and how one can start using it for the creation of applications for the web.
This lesson will go into a discussion of what templates and models are in the context of Python Development with Django.
This segment explains what a Template is, specifically its nature in development as a text file. The learner would be made to understand that the Template's main function is to ascertain the file's layout or structure.
This segment defines Models as Python objects that are in charge of building the structure of the data of an application. Also integral to this discussion is how models provide mechanisms that would be managed alongside query records within the database.
This lesson discusses what an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) is and how it functions alongside the forms that are currently supported by Django.
Object-Relational Mapper (ORM)
This segment discusses what an Object-Relational Mapper is. Through the discussion, the learner would be able to grasp how ORM users would be able to interact with the database that had been created by the developer.
This segment shows how developers can work with HTML Forms with the use of Django. This introduces learners to a speedy and hassle-free way of writing forms with the aim of creating, updating, and getting rid of model instances.
This lesson goes into a detailed discussion of what Model Forms and Views are in Python Development.
Model Forms
This segment aims at making learners understand that a Model Form is responsible for mapping a model class's fields to an HTML form. The learner would understand that this function is the basis of the Django admin.
This segment discusses Django Views as objects that determine how content or elements appearing on a web page would look.
This lesson introduces learners to Class-Based views and Templates.
Class-Based Views
This segment discusses how Class-Based views are able to create another way of implementing views as Python objects over functions. This details the organization of code that is connected to methods done in HTTP and the techniques that are object-oriented.
This segment discusses Django's ability of generating HTML dynamically, the approach being reliant on templates. Here, the discussion goes into the details such as the static parts of the HTML output alongside the special syntax.
This lesson discusses Session Management and Middleware
Session Management
This segment goes into detail about what Session Management is. Firstly, it will define what a Session is in this context and goes on to delineate how it is managed. The learners would understand through the discussion that the sessions keep track of the current situation between the site and the browser that is being used to access it.
This segment discusses what Middleware is and how it functions. The discussion also walks learners through how they could activate Middleware and how they can go about writing one themselves.
This lesson discusses Security and ORM Relationships.
This segment details Django's security features which ward off XSS attacks. The discussion educates how the templates from Django secure users from such alongside its limitations.
ORM Relationships
This segment details the kinds of ORM relationships that fields have, specifically, One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-Many relationships.
This lesson focuses on what Clinical Data reporting is within the context of development in Django. The final leg of the lessons within this overarching topic, this lesson teaches how one can perform Clinica Data Reporting. This is finished with a discussion on how learners can calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) in Django.
With one of the most powerful programming languages ever created, work on some next-level projects like A.I. and machine learning. Python is used in a multitude of different ways to create visual and usable data.
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