Work with and learn one of the most powerful programming languages created. Write and code applications, or analyze and visualize data.
Python has been around since nearly the conception of programming. It has an expansive userbase and is being currently used for sections of AI and machine learning. Python is also often used to organize, analyze and visualize data. Python is one of the core languages that is learned and nearly every major tech business uses Python to some degree. Developer jobs will see one of the largest increases and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is expecting a +22% growth by 2030.
Python is commonly used to build web apps, analyze data, create AI and machine learning programs, automation applications, and scalable enterprise applications.
This lesson discusses in detail what HTML5 is basically as well as CSS3. As this is the case, the lesson is divided into two (2) segments
This lesson is aimed at imbuing in the developers who had enlisted the help of this course the idea that HTML5 and CSS3 are among the most viable options in writing codes so as to build highly noticeable and dynamic websites. At the end of the lesson, developers are encouraged to delve in HTML5 and CSS3 as these allow for advancement in website-building.
This segment goes into a detailed definition of what HTML is. After foregrounding its basic functions, the lesson goes into the discussion of HTML5. The lesson then discusses that the HTML update, HTML 5 introduces a number of new tags. The discussion stresses that these new tags allow for the more efficient creation of web pages. This segment of the lesson also tackles how these tags allow the pages to be compatible across the different mainstream browsers.
The discussion also stresses that HTML5 gives developers the benefit of a wide range of new attributes, behaviours, elements, and technologies that aid in the further improvement of web page structures. The lesson details the following facets:
1.1 A delineation of what attributes are
1.2 The different kinds of images and hyperlinks
1.3 Lists (ordered and unordered)
1.4 Tables, threads, spans (i.e. colspan, rowspan)
1.5 Emphasis elements
1.6 Edit elements
1.7 How to use comments
1.8 Structuring codes
1.9 Support for browsers
This segment also tackles a number of the present-day syntactic features contained within HTML5 including an easier way to DOCTYPE declaration, new semantic, attributes of form, graphics, and multi-media elements, just to mention a few.
The discussion also specifies certain script APIs such as Application Cache, Drag and Drop, and Geolocation among many others.
This segment discusses what CSS is first and what its basic features and functions are. The discussion then shifts the attention to CSS3 and stresses that it is the latest update of Cascading Style Sheets that come with new features. These newly-developed features include:
2.1 Rounded corners
2.2 Shadows
2.3 Gradients
2.4 Transitions/animations
2.5 Layouts
The discussion details how these elements in CSS3, as an advanced language are used alongside HTML to create and format content structure. It is stressed further here that these style sheets are responsible for rendering colours, fonts, background elements, and other graphics.
With one of the most powerful programming languages ever created, work on some next-level projects like A.I. and machine learning. Python is used in a multitude of different ways to create visual and usable data.
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