Work with and learn one of the most powerful programming languages created. Write and code applications, or analyze and visualize data.
Python has been around since nearly the conception of programming. It has an expansive userbase and is being currently used for sections of AI and machine learning. Python is also often used to organize, analyze and visualize data. Python is one of the core languages that is learned and nearly every major tech business uses Python to some degree. Developer jobs will see one of the largest increases and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is expecting a +22% growth by 2030.
Python is commonly used to build web apps, analyze data, create AI and machine learning programs, automation applications, and scalable enterprise applications.
One of the most popular programming languages is JavaScript. If you are tech-savvy, there is a high chance that you've come across this programming language somewhere and even experimented with it a bit. On the other hand, if you are not familiar with JavaScript, you've come to the right place to learn all the basics.
The first lesson in JavaScript is not as complex as it may seem. And through this course, you will be prepared to dive into the world of JavaScript.
We begin with an introduction to JavaScript and its use in a site. This video will also explain the program's exact functions and elements. At the end of this course, the reader will understand how to properly run JavaScript to create an enhanced website.
This course begins with an introduction to Javascript and its function. It will also touch on the three key web development elements: CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
Also, the introduction will provide some insight into the features of Javascript and what makes the program stand out. You will also learn what they can do with it and what other technologies pair nicely with it.
Beyond the basic knowledge of JavaScript, this introduction will explain key terminologies that will function as a revision to course participants.
In this section, learners will study the basic elements in JavaScript, such as arrays, variables, and expressions. You will also discover certain central elements of the programming language. Remember that the basic elements of JavaScript are very similar to the core elements of other programming languages.
By getting the hang of these features, you can get a headstart on creating codes in other programming languages.
One way to better understand JavaScript is by clearly defining its functions. In this lesson, learners will be guided to understand the exact functions of the JavaScript programming language.
In this segment, course students will be enlightened on both the specific and general uses of JavaScript. In addition, this segment will also contain an outline of the fundamental uses of the program while exploring the exact uses of JavaScript.
Learners shall also discover what JavaScript can and cannot do in-browser by enlisting the restrictions and capabilities experienced when running the program.
Here, learners will be introduced to object types, how to add a property to an object, a method to the constructor, a method to the object, and property to a constructor.
Learners will also learn about JavaScript Constructors that are in-built and operate them.
One of the key mediums of communication among users is web forms. Often, web forms are used to collate data or equip users with an advantage over a user interface. However, properly utilising said data to their full potential is not always clear as a result of both technological and historical factors.
In this module, course participants will explore a set of key resources that will play a vital role in your mastery of the basics of web forms. Learning web forms will include:
It is important to remember that the objects remain queen in JavaScript even though the key features are king. This means that understanding JavaScript objects will ensure that learners have an in-depth knowledge of the programming language.
The last part of this course will cover JavaScript objects. More elements like the number, string and boolean objects shall also be discussed. Outlining the features contained in an object shall also play an important part in understanding JavaScript objects.
With one of the most powerful programming languages ever created, work on some next-level projects like A.I. and machine learning. Python is used in a multitude of different ways to create visual and usable data.
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