7 Great Tips for Converting a Closet to an Office

We all struggle to find a functioning workspace when we work remotely. Most people don’t even know when or where to start. How about convert closet to office? Yes, it may sound silly, but if you live in small places or don’t have space to organize a functioning remote office, this is an excellent way to set up a functioning workspace. Your dusty closet at home can be more functioning than just storing old stuff that you don’t even need! On the plus side, you’ll be able to recycle the junk you have in your old dusty closet and make your home look cleaner and more efficient. Here we made seven tips on how to convert closet to office.
1. Demolish
Yes, it may sound like the complete opposite of what we are trying to do, but demolishing should be the first thing for renovating or rebuilding. Not all closets are empty. Some contain unwanted dusty old shelves that are built in inside the closet.
The first thing we can do is remove any unwanted stuff inside whatever your closet contains, such as old books, DVDs, family photos, and even your old treasures.
Then the fun part, as mentioned earlier, is the unwanted furniture. If your closet contains any built-in shelves, racks, or hanger rods, you can grab your hammer or screwdriver and start removing them.
Then you have an empty space where you finally will convert closet to office.
2. Clean and reorganize
Most closets are dusty and old. We tend to hoard a lot of stuff we don’t need and store them in the closet. Who knows, you might find any hidden family treasures or even something you can’t find for a long time. So reorganizing and cleaning before you convert the closet to the office is a good idea who knows what you might find.
Cleaning is easy if you’re dusting out your closet because most closets tend to be dusty due to not being checked or opened for a long time. But some cabinets might have more than just dust. Some might even contain insects and rat infections such as spiderwebs, dust mites, rats, and cockroaches which is why we should clean our closet with disinfectants and anti-insect sprays.
- RepaintRepainting your closet will do the job because paint also kills germs. It will also make your wardrobe look better and neater as good as a new one.
- DisinfectingWho knows whatever germs, bacteria, or viruses lie inside a closet? Whatever monster lives in the closet should die! Jokes aside, all the things that came from different places and times are stored in every closet, so it needs disinfecting, especially nowadays; germs and bacteria are pretty scary.
- OrganizeSince most closets contain a lot of hoarded things in them, it tends to be disorganized and messy. Organizing these items in an orderly manner helps our closet office look more of a functional remote workspace. You can start organizing by sorting and dividing things such as old DVDs or books that you decided to keep after throwing away the other junk you have in your closet.
3. Refurnishing
We finished the demolishing part. How about refurbishing? We will start this fun by buying new furniture or remodeling old ones! We need to add the right furniture to convert closet to office and make it a functional remote closet office. Here are a few items we need to make a small functioning closet office.
Of course, we all need this in any desk office, but this one is different. We need to find a small chair that’s space-efficient! There are a lot of foldable space-saving chairs displayed in furniture stores nowadays, and most of them are made in Japan. Most Japanese homes efficiently save space because most houses there contain small spaces, which is why we should try to find Japanese furniture stores if we were to look for space-saving equipment.
There are quite a lot of space-efficient chairs, and most of them are foldable ones. Some chairs transform and fold into a small box and fit in the closet.
The chair we need is something we can put inside the closet and close it like there’s no chair inside to save us the trouble of where to put the chair if we finish the working day.
Finding a suitable desk for your office may be challenging because we have such a small space to work with. This is a closet, after all. However, we can make our own just a few planks of wood, and we can chop it and screw it. Sounds easy, right? It might not be because we need to find the correct measurements to organize your closet. Let’s start by using a tape measure and check the required length and width of the desk we’re going to need. Now we can either find the desk with the exact measurements in furniture stores or have a built-in desk that fits precisely for the closet. We can hire professionals to make a customized desk that suits our satisfaction or be more daring and make our own.
The small but ergonomic desk is essential for every remote work because it is where we’ll be putting most of the stuff we need, such as our work materials.
Our desk should fit precisely in the closet, as mentioned earlier, so we can close our closet like nothing is inside.
Shelves, racks, or other file organizers
Adding small furniture to make our closet more organized is essential. We will be putting most of our work materials in that closet. Having a good case for pens and pencils and file cabinets for our paperwork will do the job of making our small closet office efficient.
Most closets are dark or don’t have access to much lighting, which becomes troublesome for a workspace. Having less light will make it hard to write, draw, or do whatever activity requires light. Buying furniture that provides light, such as lampshades, ceiling lights, or even LEDs, will help lighten our workspace. Hey, how about a lava lamp to make your workspace look fancier.
4. Сomfort
We may be working in a small and tight spaces, but comfort is still possible, like the points we’ve talked about above. Cleaning and organizing can also help with the comfort in your small remote closet office, but that’s not just it. Adding a few extra comfort materials, such as pillows, etc., will help do the trick.
5. Door
Yes, we are talking about the closet’s door if we ought to remove it or not. To make our closet look cleaner and more efficient, we need to choose if we would let it have a door, so here we put the benefits and the downsides between having a door in your remote closet office.
- DoorHaving a door in your closet will make your whole home look like a smart-space-efficient home. Though it might make your office space uncomfortable or leaving the doors open as you work might also take up space, you can still make something out of it. Like putting shelves and picture frames on the door so I’d look fancier when you open them out. And hey, an average-looking closet and the shocking fact that it’s a small office will be a beautiful feature of your home. Who does not want that?
- No doorIt depends on how well or how neat you’ll make your closet office look; not having a door might make it look messier. It will look good if you always clean out and organize your workspace. And hey, not having an entry does not mean you can’t cover up the mess inside the small closet. It is possible to use something else other than a closet door to cover it up, such as a curtain or blinders.
6. Decorate
Adding small details to our small closet office to make it a little cooler can boost our confidence while we work. And these small details to our small space efficient closet office will better our comfort. At the same time, we work and save ourselves from having something look like horror in our home.
Here are a few decoration ideas we have enlisted to design your workspace.
- PlantsWe need green! A slight touch of green, and yes, we are talking about plants. These are essential for decorations; adding small plants will make your decorations look more comforting and fresher. And making the air around you healthier will give you a more comforting workspace.
- Photo FramesChoose pictures of your pet or a picture with you, and your family photos bring memories of the past, reminding us why we should keep working, giving us a sense of purpose to thrive for more. Aside from that, they add cute small details for your closest office.Adding decorations may be questionable for converting the closet to the office. Still, these decorations won’t take up too much space and won’t get in the way of your work. It can also provide you comfort and satisfaction, making you stay more in your closet office.
7. Electricity and Wirings
Since it is an office, we still need proper sockets to plug the materials we will need for work, such as our computers, laptops, phones, and monitors. Organizing wires and setting up sockets may be a challenge due to the small space we work with. Adding a build-in socket in the closet will be better than getting an extension and having it plugged across the room. You might start by getting sockets in the hardware store and picking the right place to put them. Knowing the right amount of sockets you’ll be needing before installing them in your small remote office is a must. You don’t want to add more than required, for it will require too much work.
Make sure you also have an ethernet cable in your closet office, for you will surely be needing it, especially if you have a whole pc in your closet office instead of a laptop.
Organizing multiple wires and making them crawl through your small remote workspace can be quite an obstacle. You should make sure that everything functions well and is in the perfect place to avoid any technical issues with the wires, such as tripping over or other wire accidents that can occur.
Final Thoughts
We hope the list provided above helps you convert closet to office. Remember that having to work remotely at home won’t limit your space on having a good office, tight spaces or not; you can make something out of the little things. So what are you waiting for? Start building your own closet office now and show off to your coworkers what you did for your workspace at home!
Take the first step to your new remote career!